Waymond Warren
Being a husband, father, father-in-law and Pap-paw has been the greatest privilege God has given me—being a pastor comes right after that! The Fair Park family has been wonderful to us for about 24 years and we love this church! Stability and health matters in a church, and so does vision. God keeps showing us how to serve the changing needs of people today. I hope you join us!

Darris Waren
Associate Pastor
Fair Park has been my home and family my entire life! A graduate of the University of Louisiana Monroe, I worked in banking for 13 years and at the church bi-vocationally before joining the staff full time in 2005. I love serving at Fair Park and can't imagine being anywhere else. I enjoy serving our community through many organizations. I am married to Kayle and we have two beautiful daughters, Grace & Emma.

Chris Bryant
Discipleship Pastor
I was born and raised in West Monroe. I put my faith in Jesus Christ at fifteen years old and a few years later I was called into ministry. I graduated from ULM with a B.A. in psychology. I am married to my beautiful wife, Alecia and we have two children, Parker and Avery. I’m grateful to have the opportunity to serve at Fair Park and blessed to be a part of the Fair Park family!

Brent May
Minister of Worship
I joined Fair Park in 2006 and started playing in the praise band soon after. After graduating from Louisiana Tech, I began working in education. Since 2014, I have been bi-vocational on staff at Fair Park. I've always loved playing music and love to worship God through song. Playing music with our worship team is a highlight of my week. I've been married to Amanda since 2010. She also serves on the praise team. We have 3 wonderful kids, Aly, Sadie, and Joseph.

James Davison
Minister of Evangelism and Missions
The Lord saved me at Temple Baptist in Ruston when I was 9! I am thankful that He allows me to “go and make disciples” like Matthew 28:19 says. Through short-term mission work in Mexico, I met my bride, Josie, who came to faith in Christ at Fair Park. During 2021, we served at Hope Church, in Edinburgh, Scotland. We lived in New Orleans for two years to study at NOBTS, and are back in North Louisiana to share Jesus, love the church, and raise Jed, our son due in August 2023.

Sherrie Albritton
Connections Minister
For over 20 years I have served on staff at Fair Park and I count it a privilege to serve a church that loves people and teaches the Bible, helping people become fully devoted followers of Christ. A graduate of the University of Louisiana Monroe and New Orleans Theological Seminary with a Pre-school and Children’s Ministry certificate, I have had the opportunity to serve our state through the VBS travel team and Child Evangelism Conferences. I love being a part of the West Monroe community and am excited to be a part of what God has in store for our future as we connect our community to Christ.

Clayton Bryan
Minister to Young Adults
I have lived in West Monroe my whole life and married my sweetheart, Gracie in November of 2022. A graduate of West Ouachita High School in 2016, and the University of Louisiana Monroe in 2020 with a Bachelor’s degree in English, I began teaching at West Monroe High School after college. I have been the assistant girls soccer coach as well. I felt the call to ministry the summer of 2021, but surrendered to the ministry in July 2022. I am blessed to serve at Fair Park!

Casey Moore
Minister to Students
I was born in West Monroe. The Lord saved me in my Senior year of high school and called me to ministry a year later. I graduated with a B.A. in Business Administration from ULM and I am currently pursuing a master’s from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. I had the wonderful privilege of marrying my wife, Emily, on May 4th, 2019. We are blessed to serve alongside everyone here at Fair Park and get to minister to students and their families.

Cindy Teel
Children's Bible Learning Specialist
I am honored to be a part of the Fair Park Church Staff as the Children’s Bible Learning Specialist. My goal is to create, write, and implement a Bible Curriculum for our children, as well as assist leaders as they teach it. As a parent and grandparent, I feel an urgency in these uncertain times to be sure our children know, understand, and apply the Word of God to their lives. I also serve as the Coordinator for our ALLfit Wellness Ministry. This ministry uses Bible Study and Fitness classes to assist members to attain the healthy lifestyle God desires for us all.

Grace Waren
Children’s Minister
Having grown up in the FP Children’s Ministry, I understand the importance of teaching children the way of the Lord and the impact this ministry has on families in our church and community. I am blessed to serve as the Children's Minister at my home church. I recently graduated from the University of Louisiana Monroe with a Bachelor of Science in Education and I enjoying serving and volunteering my time with the Miss Louisiana Organization.

Bobby Parnell
Missions Associate
I have lived in West Monroe for 12 years and been a member of Fair Park for over 14 years. I have worked in the children, youth, and college ministries during that time. I graduated from ULM in 2009 with a B.A. in Arts and Sciences and am currently working on a masters at NOBTS. I have been married to my amazing wife, Lexie, for over 16 years, and we have been blessed with 2 wonderful children, Victoria and William.

Liz Sanderson
Music Assistant
It is my joy and pleasure to serve as Fair Park's Music Assistant. In 1979, I received my vocal music degree from Northeast LA University. Shortly after, an opportunity to teach special needs children "fell into my lap" and I enjoyed teaching these young people for 33 years. Now retired, I love spending time in the Canopy Cafe' serving our church family and folks in the community.

Janice Dumas
Ministry Assistant
It has been my privilege to serve as Ministry Assistant at Fair Park since October 2012. When this position became open, God placed on my heart a desire to serve His church through my administrative and secretarial skills. I retired after 31 years at ULM having been Executive Assistant to the Dean of the College of Business Administration. Not only is it a joy to work with the pastor and each one of the ministers daily, but it is also a privilege to serve and minister to the church family.

Tyler Soileau
Worship Associate
In 2017, I joined the Fair Park family and found an outlet to serve the Lord in our AV department. Following graduation from Louisiana Tech, I began working in the field of Computer Information Systems. I am thankful to have an opportunity to use a skill God has given me to support our church and community. I am blessed with my beautiful wife, Kenda, and our sons, Greyson and Asher.
Waymond & Rachel
Life is best filled with God’s purpose and God’s people…a few boardgames, home projects and daytrips also help! There’s just nothing like letting Jesus Christ shape your life and relationships, and we’d love to journey with you!