Friday – The Crucifixion
John 19:16-30
As Christ hung on the cross, He was fast at work completing the goal for the salvation of man. All the intricate aspects of cruelty and suffering that Christ experienced was carefully played as a part of the whole plan of the Father. Every pain, every grimace, every drop of sweat and blood screamed out, “I love you!” to a lost and dying world. There was great sacrifice involved and it all pointed to the love of God for destitute, decaying, and sin diseased humanity. It pleased the Lord to suffer all that we deserved. What words could He say to express Himself more clearly? It would only be words, and His works spoke volumes.
The scene at the bottom of the cross might as well be a metaphoric picture of our world today. The Roman guards were unaware of what was taking place just above their heads as they played tiddlywinks at the foot of the cross by casting lots for Jesus’ clothes. Time is marching on and lives hang in the balance over the edge of hell itself. Maybe we should take a moment and reflect upon our lives and motives. Are you praying for family and friends that might be lost? Do you take the opportunity for action in witnessing when the Lord provides it?
With a swallow of sour wine, Jesus takes a breath and shouts, “It is finished!” We sometimes see that as a pitiful way of saying I give up My Spirit. No! That was a victory shout!
Spurgeon has said, “Has He finished His work for me? Then I must get to work for Him, and I must persevere until I finish my work, too; not to save myself for that is all done, but because I am saved.” Now, just as Christ has done, take a breath and be about the Master’s plan for we work from victory to victory! Praise His holy name!
By: Pam Thompson
The scene at the bottom of the cross might as well be a metaphoric picture of our world today. The Roman guards were unaware of what was taking place just above their heads as they played tiddlywinks at the foot of the cross by casting lots for Jesus’ clothes. Time is marching on and lives hang in the balance over the edge of hell itself. Maybe we should take a moment and reflect upon our lives and motives. Are you praying for family and friends that might be lost? Do you take the opportunity for action in witnessing when the Lord provides it?
With a swallow of sour wine, Jesus takes a breath and shouts, “It is finished!” We sometimes see that as a pitiful way of saying I give up My Spirit. No! That was a victory shout!
Spurgeon has said, “Has He finished His work for me? Then I must get to work for Him, and I must persevere until I finish my work, too; not to save myself for that is all done, but because I am saved.” Now, just as Christ has done, take a breath and be about the Master’s plan for we work from victory to victory! Praise His holy name!
By: Pam Thompson